
《Beyond Feelings》中介绍不同的环境下人的想法不同时,引入了社会学家Ian Robertson总结的全球饮食差异,写的很有意思,居然写出了单向链表的感觉。

Americans eat oysters but not snails. 美国人吃牡蛎,不是蜗牛。
The French eat snails but not locusts. 法国人吃蜗牛,不吃蝗虫。
The Zulus eat locusts but not fish. 祖鲁人吃蝗虫,不吃鱼肉。
The Jews eat fish but not pork. 犹太人吃鱼肉,不吃猪肉。
The Hindus eat pork but not beef. 印度人吃猪肉,不吃牛肉。
The Russians eat beef but not snakes. 俄国人吃牛肉,不吃蛇肉。
The Chinese eat snakes but not people. 中国人吃蛇肉,不吃人肉。
The Jale of New Guinea find people delicious. 新几内亚人认为人肉鲜美。(这个狠)